soerba - noi non ci capiamo

Ciao cari! Today's Italian through music is going to teach you how to use the English construction "each other" in Italian. We use this construction to convey the idea of "reciprocal" action, where I do something to you and you do the same thing back to me. For example...
We love each other.
You love each other.
They love each other.
Here the love is going both ways back and forth between two people, as opposed to "I love you" where the love is uni-directional.
To convey this idea in Italian you need two parts: a verb in the noi, voi or loro form + a corresponding reflexive pronoun - ci, vi or si. So you get...
Ci amiamo.
Vi amate.
Si amano.
Now let's kick it up a notch and negate a reciprocal action. All you do is put "non" before the pronoun.
Non ci amiamo. (We don't love each other.)
Non vi amate. (You don't love each other.)
Non si amano. (They don't love each other.)
You can also add a subject pronoun (noi, voi, loro) to the front for emphasis. This doesn't change the meaning, the noi, voi and loro just add emphasis but are basically redundant.
Noi non ci amiamo.
Voi non vi amate.
Loro non si amano.
In the past, reciprocal verbs take essere. Remember, as with all verbs conjugated with essere in the past, the participle (form of verb ending in -ato, -uto or -ito) needs to agree in gender and number with the subject.
Noi non ci siamo amati.
Voi non vi siete amati.
Loro non si sono amati.
Now to a song that will help you remember this structure - Non ci capiamo by soerba.
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