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il genio - pop porno

Today's song has so much good conversational grammar in it I hardly know where to begin.

The first few words are, "Tu sei cattivo..." (you are bad). Here we see the irregular verb essere in action - tu sei. Remember, the rest of the conjugation...

io sono
tu sei / Lei è
lui / lei è
noi siamo
voi siete
loro sono

You can replace "cattivo" with just about any other adjective and make hundreds of simple descriptive sentences in Italian...

Tu sei bravo. (You are good.)

Tu sei bello. (You are beautiful.)

Tu sei brutto. (You are ugly.)

Tu sei alto. (You are tall.)

Tu sei basso. (You are short.)

Just change the verb form to describe other people (not just the person you're talking to).

Io sono cattivo. (I am bad.)

Lui è cattivo. (He is bad.)

Remember if the person you're describing is a girl (or any feminine noun), the adjective has to agree.

Lei è cattiva. (She is bad.)

Likewise if the noun is plural.

Noi siamo cattivi. (We are bad.)

Another extremely useful word that comes up a lot in this song is "perché" - because. To say because just say perché.

The thing that can be a bit tricky for beginners is that perché also means "why". Perché non mangi? Why aren't you eating?

Another super-useful phrase that comes up a lot: un po' - a bit or a little. You can use it with di + noun (more commonly in the singular) to mean "some" (un po' di acqua - some water or a bit of water), or with an adjective (tu sei un po' cattivo - you are a little bad or a bit bad).

Another great grammar topic that comes up in this song is the demonstratives or pointing words. You see "quei film" and "quei tipi", meaning "those films" and "those types". "Quei" is a form of "quello" (that), the pointing word you use for things that are far away from the speaker. Remember the other forms...

quello (for masc sing nouns that start with gn, ps, s + consonant or z)

quell' (for masc sing nouns that start with a vowel)

quel (for all other masc sing nouns)

quell' (for fem sing nouns that start with a vowel)

quella (for all other fem sing nouns)

quegli (for masc plur nouns that start with a vowel or gn, ps, s + consonant or z)

quei (for all other masc plur nouns)

quelle (for all fem plur nouns)

OK enough grammar let's hear the song!

don’t know a word? look it up!
Italiano - Inglese  

To find the dictionary form of a verb so you can look up its meaning, enter the conjugated form in the box below or check coniuga.com.

find the dictionary form of verbs

Tu sei cattivo con me perché
ti svegli alle tre
per guardare quei film
un po' porno.
Tu sei cattivo con me perché
mi guardi come se
io fossi un’attrice un po' porno.

Porno pop porno pop porno
pop porno porno.
Porno pop porno pop porno
pop porno porno.

Tu sei cattivo con me perché
ti piace sognare
quei tipi di donna
un po' porno.
Tu sei cattivo con me perché
mi lasci da sola
e ti guardi quei film
un po' porno.

Porno pop porno pop porno
pop porno porno.
Porno pop porno pop porno
pop porno porno.

Ma quando viene sera
tu mi parli d’amore
e guardandomi negli occhi
mi fai sentire davvero
una donna un po' porno.

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