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being nosey in italian - the interrogatives

OK ragazzi, today we're going to learn how to ask questions in Italian. In both Italian and English you use a special word known as an "interrogative". English examples include the famous who, what, when, where, etc.

An easy way to learn which interrogative to use when is to think of every question as a wheel. The spokes are the interrogatives and the hub they all revolve around is always a verb. Think about it - any question you ask has a verb at its core. You might ask what someone did, who did it, why they did it, when, but it always comes back to some aspect of something being done. So rather than rely on memory alone when learning the interrogatives, use logic to help you. Ask yourself, "Specifically what info about the verb am I looking for?" Here's a summary of the many options.

To ask about…


English equivalent


The verb itself

Che, cosa or che cosa + fare

What + to do

Cosa facciamo? (Answer: Usciamo.)

The cause, motive, purpose, aim, end, objective, reason or justification for the verb

Perche’, come mai (people also say per quale motivo)

Why, how come

Perche’ usciamo? (Answer: Per mangiare.)

The verb’s location in space

Dove (or dov’)


Dove mangiamo?

The verb’s location in time



Quando mangiamo?

The manner in which the verb is being done

Come (or com’)


Come mangiamo senza soldi (without money)?

The human subject of the verb



Chi mangia con noi?

The human direct object of the verb



Chi vediamo mentre mangiamo?

The human indirect object of the verb

Preposition + chi

Preposition + whom

A chi invitiamo?

The human to whom the subject of the verb belongs

Di chi


Di chi e’ il ristorante?

The non-human subject of the verb

Che, cosa (cos’) or che cosa (che cos’) (for a broad answer), quale (or qual) (for a more specific one) (agrees in number)

What, which, which one(s)

Che mezzo (means) ci porta al ristorante? Quale macchina?

The non-human direct object of the verb

Che (and variants), quale (or qual) (agrees in number)

What, which, which one(s)

Cosa mangiamo? Quali frutte?

The quantity of the subject or direct object of the verb

Quanto (agrees in gender and number)

How much, how many

Quante frutte mangiamo? Quante ragazze mangiano la frutta con noi?

The duration of the verb


How long

Quanto dura l’ uscita (outing)?

How much something costs (to cost is a verb)


How much

Quanto costa?

Confused? You know what to do - grab the nearest interrogative and ask me a question. Use the comments or the forum. Ciao for now!

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