st. peter's basilica by the numbers

Year construction began: 1506
Year it ended: 1626
Total years it took to build: 120
Number of popes who reigned during this time: 21
Age of Michelangelo when he took over as superintendent of the building program at St. Peter's: in his 70s
Cost to build: 46,800,052 ducats
Year Pope Pius XII announced, in a radio broadcast to the world, the discovery of St. Peter's tomb under the Basilica: 1950
Height of the letters inscribed in the dome, which read, TV ES PETRVS ET SVPER HANC PETRAM AEDIFICABO ECCLESIAM MEAM. TIBI DABO CLAVES REGNI CAELORVM ( are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church...I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven…): 2 meters
Number of tombs within the Basilica: over 100
Year the Basilica's oldest bell dates to: 1288
Length: 730 feet
Width: 500 feet
Height (max): 452 feet
Dome, diameter (outer): 137.7 feet
Total area covered: 5.7 acres (roughly 5 soccer fields)
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