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italian modal verbs

This week's tutorino Italian grammar lesson will teach you how to say you want to, can or have to do something in Italian. And the good news is it's quite straightforward! Just memorize the following irregular verbs, known as "modals":

volere – to want (to)

potere – to be able to

dovere – to have to

io voglio

io posso

io devo

tu vuoi

tu puoi

tu devi

Lei vuole

Lei puo’

Lei deve

lui/lei vuole

lui/lei puo’

lui/lei deve

noi vogliamo

noi possiamo

noi dobbiamo

voi volete

voi potete

voi dovete

loro vogliono

loro possono

loro devono

Volere can be used with nouns and infinitives (dictionary form). Voglio una birra. Voglio mangiare.

Potere and dovere are used with infinitives only. Non posso studiare. Devo uscire.

To negate a modal (to say you don't want to, can't or must not), just put non in front of it.

You're done!

Reader Comments (1)

Very helpful, thanks!
April 23, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterme

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